Profil de buttsoupwet

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buttsoupwet a gagné 383 points (14 place) dans le jeu Scooby Doo Mystery Chase
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buttsoupwet a écrit un commentaire pour le jeu Raft Wars 2
This high score was set in Paris France on July 7 2023.At 18h. commemorate this day. the day raft wars 2 was truly played for the first time
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buttsoupwet a gagné 39368 points (1 place) dans le jeu Raft Wars 2
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buttsoupwet a écrit un commentaire pour le jeu Raft Wars
just beat the whole game with no raft upgrades only using teennis balls. i feel the physics of this game the way saint francis orjesus felt the presence of god
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buttsoupwet a écrit un commentaire pour le jeu Raft Wars
mickeymanda legit only has the high score cause i have a forced handicap. they dont know shit about raft wars
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buttsoupwet a écrit un commentaire pour le jeu Raft Wars
i play this at work and cant get the high score cause i have to minimize it at times so I cant get the time bonus. however i want to say that mickeymanda is a chump and i could destroy their high score if i could get the time bonuses.
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buttsoupwet a gagné 24432 points (5 place) dans le jeu Raft Wars
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