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Livana a écrit un commentaire pour le jeu Adventure Time Candy Dive
Certainly, there is no reason to actually be suspicious on him. he does look like he is telling the truth and I think it is best to leave it at that. Raashi_Khanna seems to have proposed a peace agreement at paintio teams so it would be nice if you could agree to that too. Thanks. @blade @Raashi_Khanna @goodevening Thumb up
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Livana a écrit un commentaire pour le jeu Adventure Time Candy Dive
I like this game because it is colourful and engaging to play. Thanks a lot Livana @blade @Raashi_Khanna @goodevening
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Livana est devenu ami avec jelly31709
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Livana a écrit un commentaire pour le jeu Paint.IO Teams
Hi. I am very happy that you took this decision Raashi. I agree to the condition that no one is allowed to bring back this topic in comments
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Livana est devenu ami avec Nehana
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Livana a écrit un commentaire pour le jeu Paint.IO Teams
plz respond asap @blade @julian @Raashi_Khanna
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Livana a écrit un commentaire pour le jeu Paint.IO Teams
@Raashi_Khanna @blade @MarinaAnderson @maria123nz @julian Hi julian. Before making a response please read the full conversation from top to toe as it is very complicated I am trying to stay as calm as possible. You are the one who is unwantedly picking up a quarrel with me. There is no use in trying to use blade as a support in this matter because he will not be able to change your thoughts. You should try and change the angle in which you are thinking and fix yourself accordingly. I am now on level 47. blade, what level are you in this game? Thought I should ask. What level are you on julian, if at all you play this game Wink Wink Thumb up Thumb up
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Livana a écrit un commentaire pour le jeu Paint.IO Teams
You are sadistic, What pleasure do you get in beating the level I am on. Just to let you know I am on level 30 Hahahahahahhahhhahhaha Tongue out Tongue out Tongue out Tongue out Tongue out Tongue out Tongue out @blade @MarinaAnderson @maria123nz @Raashi_Khanna
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